[nycphp-talk] gmail

Chris Shiflett shiflett at
Sat Sep 11 17:04:53 EDT 2004

--- Mark Armendariz <nyphp at> wrote:
> I absolutely agree, and I've been spouting on about such things for
> years now

Maybe I'm more cynical, but I was beginning to think that Microsoft's
success in strangling innovation on the Web was going to persist
indefinitely. I feel like we're just now beginning to return to where we
were ten years ago.

> But flash has it's own issues and PLENTY of them

I've always hated Flash, but things like Flickr are making me change my
mind. I really thought Strongbad was the only good thing done in Flash,
but I'm now realizing (possibly way later than most of you) that Flash is
a very powerful client-side technology that is likely to play a big part
in this new future of the Web that seems to just now be planting seeds.
I've even thought of buying some Macromedia stock. :-)

> Now with Moz owning 15% of the market and standards intensive
> browsers becoming the name of the game

Exactly. For the first time in nearly a decade, I'm excited about the
possibilities again. Now I just need to catch up. :-)


Chris Shiflett -

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