[nycphp-talk] gmail

Mark Armendariz nyphp at
Sat Sep 11 15:30:30 EDT 2004

> After last month's presentation on XUL, I think it is 
> becoming clear that Web development in the near future will 
> involve fewer HTTP transactions and more client-side logic. 
> The client-side logic might be fancy DHTML stuff, XUL, Flash 
> (think Flickr), etc.
> Chris

I absolutely agree, and I've been spouting on about such things for years
now - mostly drunkenly at various people at various bars around the city.
It's the reason I got into flash, as javascript and dhtml support was always
such a pain to get to work everywhere.  But flash has it's own issues and
PLENTY of them (ahem... ide).  I was truly disappointed with their recent
strategy in the Central licensing (they own a percentage of every app you
put out there).  Central is a desktop / browser based client based on flash
with tons of potential, but bad biz.

Now with Moz owning 15% of the market and standards intensive browsers
becoming the name of the game, these 'rich applications' (oooh buzzwords)
are beginning to give me that buzz in my stomach again.  Even better we're
talking about non-plug-in solutions.  XUL is very cool, but still has a ways
to go, DHTML is old and better supported, Javascript is old and better
supported.  These are definitely interesting times.

Oh, and on a similar subject, Check out Mr Fuecks' articles on implementing
such things:

Have a great weekend!


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