[nycphp-talk] Looking for PHP/MySQL Developers!

John Lacey jlacey at
Mon Mar 22 16:17:04 EST 2004

epaul at wrote:

> Hi John, I was never aware that hans had
> set up a site for the education portal/cms
> project. This is news to me! I know we spoke
> about setting something up in the past but
> nothing really came out it.
> Anyway, I really want to get this project on
> track and I am really looking for some people
> to join and help out on this. I will speak to
> hans again and see what was set up and move
> forward with this.

Now that you appear to be back into it, you might think about 
documenting the portal specs since that's where we left off.  As 
I recall, at the time you went and registered a half-dozen or so 
domains and you said you were going to put a spec together for 
comments.  That's when Hans set up the site so that you could 
post the document.


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