[nycphp-talk] Amazon's new Free Tier

Jake McGraw jmcgraw1 at
Tue Nov 16 16:39:19 EST 2010

I'd highly recommend Linode. They've got a datacenter in NJ, which is
super fast for us NYC residents, great uptime when compared to shared
hosting providers, fast turnaround time for tickets and their smallest
instance (512MB RAM, 16GB space, 100GB transfer) is only $20 a month.

- jake

On Tue, Nov 16, 2010 at 4:34 PM, Gary Mort <garyamort at> wrote:
> On 11/16/2010 3:18 PM, Jerry B. Altzman wrote:
>> on 11/16/2010 1:58 PM Gary Mort said the following:
>>> FYI, as a birthday gift to me[my birthday was October 20th and they
>>> announced it on the 21st, clearly geared towards me!], Amazon has
>>> introduced a new "free" pricing tier.
>> Like everything else, beware that if you go over on ANYTHING, they bill
>> you. And it's only free the first year, after that, they bill you. Nothing
>> in life is free. :-)
> Well, I figured I am posting on the NYPHP list, so anyone here concerned
> about going over would simply write their own monitoring script using the
> Amazon PHP class libraries... :-)
> Seriously though, I've gotten very tired of doing things from the command
> line and while the various dashboards are nice...either their in Java(yuck!)
> or they don't do what I want, so I figure I'm going to be writing a simple
> dashboard/monitor anyway - I hadn't considered of monitoring usage against
> the free tiers, but now that you mention it, that's a good idea.
> For me, the "free" micro hours are useful as it lets me model things like
> setting up apps to monitor load on a set of instances and then spin up extra
> servers as load goes up.  Something I wouldn't want to go out of control on
> a pay per hour system[as even one mistake can be pricey], but with 750 free
> hours a month, I could muck up and launch 100 duplicate instances and still
> only be down 100 "Free" hours.
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