[nycphp-talk] Dynamically Add Links to Text

Randal Rust randalrust at
Fri Aug 28 08:21:15 EDT 2009

On Fri, Aug 28, 2009 at 6:00 AM, Petros Ziogas<petros.ziogas at> wrote:

> I think you get my point...

LOL. Oh yes. I have spent a lot of time thinking about this over the
past few years, so a lot of the issues discussed in this thread I have
thought of, but there have been some new ones. It has been a very
helpful discussion.

> What I have ended up with is human editors. Not manually editing the links
> of course. A bot proposes edits all the time and an editor decides what
> changes to accept and what to reject.

When the editor builds the list of related articles, that is
essentially what the automated process does.

I think what we can do is add some new functionality called 'Link to
Related Articles.' When the editor clicks the [Find Matches] button,
the system can return a list of the articles that match the title of
the article they are working on. This can also populate a dropdown
list of the articles, so the editor can highlight the text they want
to create the link to, then select the appropriate article from the
dropdown and click [Apply Link].

This does create more data entry for the editor and the rest of the
staff, but it should be much more accurate.

Randal Rust
R.Squared Communications

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