[nycphp-talk] need help about cms design

anthony wlodarski anthony at
Tue Jun 3 16:38:18 EDT 2008

CMS is just a term for fancy text editor.  I would check around to see  
if you can just find an off the shelf product and play with it.  There  
is usually no reason to reinvent the wheel unless it is going to  
outperform your current competitors.  Drupal (my current punching bag)  
can take a beating and then some and is flexible enough to allow you  
to customize it to your content.  Now I don't want to discourage you  
from learning about the inner workings of a fancy text editor because  
it is good knowledge to have but keep in mind that the time you spend  
reinventing the wheel could be spent improving the current wheel which  
is already stable and works (and has a good support base).


On Jun 3, 2008, at 12:58 PM, Steve Manes wrote:

> birgunj birgunj wrote:
>> i am trying to design and build the cms(content management system)  
>> from to design the database for cms and how to start  
>> coding for this.
>> i need help about this.if anbody has any idea,supporting  
>> material ,please share with us.
> I think your first step is to define what a CMS is, at least for  
> your purposes, and why the existing open source wheels need to be  
> reinvented again.  From an ERD perspective, I'd design the data  
> store to be polymorphic which the application would aggregate as a  
> set of nodes defining a blog article, a comment, a forum post, etc.
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Anthony Wlodarski
Web Applications Developer
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