[nycphp-talk] upgrading PHP on CentOS 5 -- or should I?

Tim Lieberman tim_lists at
Thu Jul 31 04:02:59 EDT 2008

On Jul 30, 2008, at 6:58 PM, Dan Horning wrote:

> On Wed, 2008-07-30 at 18:54 -0600, Tim Lieberman wrote:
>> Well, actually, my setup is a little more complicated (it compiles a
>> bunch of things, openssl, zlib, mhash, etc, then builds apache and
>> php, linking against the various libraries)
>> If anyone's interested, I can try to document them and up them up on
>> the web somehwere.
> I'd love to see that!!
> maybe even turn it into a phundamentals doc...
> just my thoughts. 

You made me create a blog (for myself, done a dozen for others).  I'm  
one of "those people" now.

Enjoy the build scripts while your soul burns in a fiery lake :-)


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