[nycphp-talk] preventing randomized session variable from changing when page is refreshed

John Campbell jcampbell1 at
Wed Aug 20 17:27:04 EDT 2008

On Wed, Aug 20, 2008 at 3:24 PM, Kristina Anderson
<ka at> wrote:

> When visitors initially arrive on the site, a randomized session id is
> generated to track items they add to their cart.  The only problem is
> that when/if they return to/refresh the homepage during their visit,
> the session id changes and this will obviously result in unwanted
> issues.

You are trying to re-implement the concept of a session, poorly.  Just
use plain 'ol php sessions.  There is no reason to generate your own
session id.  Forcing users to a homepage to generate a session_id is a
really bad idea.  Run session_start() on all pages, and just store the
cart (or a key reference to the cart) in $_SESSION.

-John C.

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