[nycphp-talk] Open Source CMS for PHP5

bzcoder bzcoder at
Thu Aug 14 10:31:29 EDT 2008

Mark Armendariz wrote:
> Can anyone recommend an open source CMS (or possibly commercial if
> worthwhile) that works natively on php5 (e_strict)and MySQL 5
> (strict). 

I think you will run into problems as most popular CMS creators, Open 
Source or Commercial, are unwilling to tell the majority of their 
users(PHP version 4) that they won't provide a product for them - which 
is why their popular.

I'd suggest checking out the goPHP5 website, and see if any CMS's listed there have 
made the switch to pure PHP5.

Though I must say I think that will counter the goal of your client, as 
I'm assuming they want an open source or commercial CMS so that they are 
not locked into a single programmer for making changes.

Sure, your code is clean and wonderful and works exactly the way you 
think.  But that means any other programmer has to figure out how you 
think, wheras if you use an open source application instead they get to 
figure out how half a dozen different programmers thought and evolved 
over time.  Isn't that much better? :-)

(Actually, to be honest I prefer inheriting an open source application 
to a single developer's best practices because at least with open 
source, there is background on how things are done outside the 
developers head.   But there is much to be said for following your own 
pattern than using someone else's)

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