[nycphp-talk] About Formalizing an Enterprise PHP and the PHP+ Developer

tedd tedd at
Thu Apr 24 10:47:53 EDT 2008

At 12:38 PM -0700 4/23/08, Kristina Anderson wrote:
>Mike -- 99.9% of the people posting on this list do have a university
>degree, from what I have seen!  A lot of them have MS or PhDs, even.
>But, a 10- or 20-year old degree doesn't prove anything when it comes
>to current technology.  A certification in current technology proves
>that you are knowledgeable in a certain area, at least to a certain
>extent, and also quantifies the knowledge base for our profession as
>PHP programmers, which is why we are (mostly) in favor of a cert.
--Kristina (B.A., 1985) :)


I think the technology is moving faster than academia. Formal 
education is nice for proving you know how to take test and muddle 
through all the nonsense that colleges dish out, but the real issue 
here is if you can do the work (whatever that may be).

And, if you look at the "qualifications" posted on this list as being 
required, you'll see that it is very large net. Probably larger than 
any one person can master. One even required knowing windozes, so 
that fails the process for me.

I think it's probably pointless to try to get this group to agree on 
anything, let alone certification.


tedd (MSc., 1984) :-)

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