[nycphp-talk] Hosting Choices -- application infrastructure support or 100% security?

Cliff Hirsch cliff at
Mon Oct 1 12:32:10 EDT 2007

So I have two ³managed² dedicated hosting choices:

The first one claims to manage the entire application infrastructure with
³fanatical² support. Guess who. Very expensive, but it does appear as though
they take on the entire sysadmin role (which I define as anything other than
code), which looks like a bargain compared to hiring a dedicated sysadmin.

The second claims to offer 100% security, but I will need to manage the
application stack, meaning AMP, postfix, mysql/InnoDb backup strategy, etc.
Never mind the fact that a security breach will result from something stupid
like SQL injection, these guys do offer some pretty darn cool security
features like intrusion protection, vulnerability scanning, F-Secure
anti-virus, DDoS protection, Tripwire, and server hardening.

After following NYPhP for the past year or two, I¹m not a bad PhP hack, if I
do say so. But managing Apache, MySQL, postfix, backups, etc. seems like a
big effort and a big learning curve. Heck, I can barely use vi. And there¹s
only so many hours in the day.

So what would you do if you were in my shoes? Go with the wiz-bang security
and muddle thorough the application infrastructure learning cure. Or go with
the fanatical support and be done with it, know that the security might not
be as cutting edge?

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