[nycphp-talk] PHP on a Corporate IntrAnet w/ AD

Michael B Allen mba2000 at
Tue Mar 20 18:32:46 EDT 2007

Hi All,

I have just released a PHP extension that should interest people using
Linux in a corporate environment. I hope you don't mind the proprietary
plug here but it is Free (as in beer) for up to 25 users. If you remember
me from the PHP conference this release is MUCH more advanced over what
we were pitching last year.

Basically the extension adds everything one would need to integrate
Linux IntrAnet sites into Windows-centric networks (i.e. large corporate

The following is a high level outline and description of Plexcel's

    * Active Directory Single Sign-On (SSO)
    * Explicit Logon with a Username and Password
    * Full Delegation Support
    * Authentication from Web Tier to other Servers
    * Add, modify and delete users, groups and group members
    * Advanced LDAP API
          o Access accounts with wide variety of names
          o Easy binding strings w/o hostnames or base DNs
          o RFC 2255 style LDAP URLs
          o Create, modify and delete objects
          o Attribute intelligence
          o Automatic attribute conversions
    * Fast Script-Level Access Control and ACLs
    * Password Setting
    * Directory Location Services
    * Easy Installation - No setup on Windows side required
    * I18N - All functions are fully internationalized
    * Generate service keytab files
    * Highly compatible with Microsoft products

Some of these features you can piece together using existing products
like mod_auth_kerb and PHP's LDAP API but this is trivial to use by
comparison and it has a number of things that you can't do like setting
passwords, script level access control, looking up accounts with names
like 'NYC\Managers' instead of long DNs and much more. It's easier to
use Plexcel than it is VBScript.

Anyway, if you're interested, we're trying to get people to try the
beta. This was just released last night so I have no feedback yet but
you can grab it here (no registration required):

Also, I'm 50 minutes from WTC Station or Penn so locals will get four
star support for peanuts.

I'm pretty sure I'll be at the LUG meeting tomorrow too if you have
any questions.


Michael B Allen
PHP Active Directory Kerberos SSO

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