[nycphp-talk] Rename an array key?

Jon Baer jonbaer at
Tue Jul 24 14:14:05 EDT 2007

All that is really needed is a preserve_key to be added to  
array_splice function and you pretty much have it ...

- Jon

On Jul 24, 2007, at 2:01 PM, Rob Marscher wrote:

> On Jul 24, 2007, at 1:29 PM, csnyder wrote:
>> Oh well. I think I'll have to create a map and use that to keep the
>> array in order:
>> $set = array( 'vegetable'=>'tomato', 'fruit'=>'tomato',
>> 'bean'=>'chickpea', 'grain'=>'corn' );
>> $map = array_keys( $set );
>> $map['bean'] = 'legume';
>> $set['legume'] = $set['bean'];
>> unset( $set['bean'] );
>> foreach ( $map AS $orig_key=>$key ) {
>>  print $set[ $key ]."<br>";
>> }
> I don't think the -- $map['bean'] = 'legume'; -- part is doing what  
> you expect. It would have to be $map[2] = 'legume' intead.
> Are you using php5?  There's an array_combine() function... you  
> could do this:
> $array = array('vegetable'=>'tomato', 'fruit'=>'tomato',  
> 'bean'=>'chickpea', 'grain'=>'corn');
> $keys = array_keys($array);
> $values = array_values($array);
> $keys[2] = 'legume';
> $array = array_combine($keys, $values);
> print_r($array);
> That avoids a foreach loop.  I am a little surprised php doesn't  
> seem to provide a function for swapping a key name in place.
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