[nycphp-talk] Should PHP5 be used for this?

Allen Shaw ashaw at
Tue Jul 17 12:41:02 EDT 2007

Brian O'Connor wrote:
> Here's my problem : I don't see how using php5 and oop would really 
> benefit me in building websites.  I understand objects, code reusability 
> and all that.  So I'm going to put the areas of my site here, and see 
> how you guys would build objects for them.
> I have these sections:
> News
> Portfolio
> Code (samples of code that I've written, for resume-type purposes)
> Tutorials
> Contact
> About Me
> At first glance, I thought to object-ify the portfolio section, where 
> each "project" would be an object.  But other than that, I don't see 
> anywhere on the site to use objects, and I could easily do that without 
> objects.

Hi Brian,

Hope my last email was received more as playful than annoying.  I 
figured you had done what I've done too many times in the past and just 
sent a message before it was ready to go out.  Happens to all of us.

You're getting good advice from others already on the OOP questions. 
It's time to move on from PHP4, and rebuilding a site sounds like the 
perfect opportunity.  A personal site can also be a great chance to 
experiment with new concepts.

- Allen

Allen Shaw
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