[nycphp-talk] advice on scaling up

Mitch Pirtle mitch.pirtle at
Tue Jul 10 14:16:40 EDT 2007

On 7/10/07, Chris Shiflett <shiflett at> wrote:
> I recommend my colleague Theo Schlossnagle's book, Scalable Internet
> Architectures. It addresses these exact types of questions in a "teach a
> man to fish" sort of way.


Also, take a look into memcache, it's not as fast as local caches but
scales well. Created by the guys at facebook, memcache gets plenty of
real-world high traffic exercise ;-)

Also consider two separate mysql groups, one cluster for CRUD ops
(Create/Replace/Update/Delete) and the other (slaves) for reads

Chances are, once you get busy with memcache you will start spending
most of your time dealing with the database itself; and having a
separate cluster optimized for SELECTs makes the job a lot easier.

-- Mitch

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