[nycphp-talk] Using PHP for a Stand-Alone application

Rick Retzko rick at
Wed Jul 4 12:45:28 EDT 2007

Hi All - 

I've developed a web-based audition registration application for musical
organizations (All-State Chorus, Regional Band, etc).  The application has
been well received, but some organizations are too small to benefit from the
web orientation and have asked if the application could be provided in a
single-user version without hosting.


I'm exploring how to rewrite the app in PHP5 using sqlite as the backend
database, but haven't figured out how to package the code so that it can be
loaded onto another PC without the need to install and configure an Apache
server for each user.  My prospective clients will not be PC-literate beyond
medium-weight spreadsheet usage.


Any and all thoughts are most appreciated!


Best Regards - 




MFR Holdings, LLC

rick at



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