[nycphp-talk] Philosophy of Frameworks (Was: CAKE Ain't Soup!)

mikesz at mikesz at
Thu Jan 11 19:45:34 EST 2007

Nate Abele wrote:

> Ah, so you're a support puke, not an actual programmer.  Yeah, that 
> explains a thing or two.
> Anyway, in an effort to cut this discussion short, I'm going to simply 
> suggest that you don't use Cake.  Not now, or at any point in the 
> future.  I, as a core dev of the project, am telling you that no good 
> can come of it.  And this way, if you continue to spout your unasked 
> for, poorly reasoned, and grammatically incorrect opinions, the only 
> reasonable conclusion one could reach is that you're a troll with a 
> learning disability.
> Have a nice day :-)
> - Nate
>> One this this end user for sure DOES NOT do is waste my valuable time on 
>> convoluted nonsense like this explanation has provided. With over twenty 
>> five years of experience in and around Quality Assurance and Customer 
>> Support I can categorically state that this is YET ANOTHER case of an 
>> software engineer  who  has not or can not put himself in the end user  
>> position to experience the real world and does not use or test the 
>> product that he creates as an end user.
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I will match my resume against yours any day of the week and we see who 
the real "puke" is... you needn't worry about my use of your piece of 
junk, it has been removed from my system and will never pollute my 
computer again.

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