[nycphp-talk] capricious submission of forms

Phillip B. Roberts philliproberts at
Wed Feb 14 14:24:02 EST 2007

I have come across sites where the CAPTCHA is so horridly impossible to
read that I get frustrated and move on. I have 20/20 eye vision, and no
other known handicapps except being a crazed php programmer :) 

On Wed, 2007-02-14 at 14:19 -0500, Chris Shiflett wrote:

> Tedd Sperling wrote:
> > I've tried that scheme before, but it was shot down by the
> > accessibility movement. No matter how simple the questions, it
> > was problematic.
> Asking users to enter my first name is no less accessible than asking
> them to provide their own. What is this accessibility movement?
> > I also developed a scheme that said something like "Pick the
> > third letter" (TIMY), but then it didn't deal with the dyslectic
> > very well.
> That's understandable, but it doesn't really support the "no matter how
> simple" claim.
> > CAPTCHA looks simple, but it's not.
> Tried to register a Yahoo account lately? They don't look so simple to
> me. :-)
> Chris

Phillip B. Roberts <philliproberts at>
Roberts Companies
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