[nycphp-talk] Method overloading

Tim Gales tgales at
Mon Dec 17 15:39:13 EST 2007

John Zabroski wrote:
> --- Kenneth Downs <ken at> wrote:
>> Overloading is a requirement for strongly typed
>> languages, since PHP is 
>> not strongly typed it can get by without it.  I also
>> find PHP's loose 
>> typing far more appropriate to its role as a string
>> generator (sql, 
>> HTML), and appreciate its default values as part of
>> its entire 
>> philosophy of flexibility.
> To be quite honest, overloading is rarely ever
> necessary even in a language with static types.
Overloading in C++ can be useful to 'line up' your
classes so that you can use them in templates

But since we're discussing PHP, I would say
that you couldn't be any more right --
especially about the 'smelly code'



T. Gales & Associates
'Helping People Connect with Technology'

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