[nycphp-talk] Processing, please wait logic flow question

inforequest 1j0lkq002 at
Mon Oct 30 23:01:19 EST 2006

Cliff Hirsch |nyphp dev/internal group use| wrote:

> Many web sites display a “processing please wait” page after 
> submitting an order, request, etc. and then display the final 
> confirmation page when it’s available.
> I’m confused by how that works. Does the server-side script spit out a 
> “processing” page by flushing the output buffer and then redirect when 
> the script is completed? Or does the client-side JavaScript display 
> the “processing” page while the server script goes about its business?
> Cliff

I saw everything I wanted to know about this over on Joe's blog:

-=john andrews

Some say "Science is fact. Religion is faith. Magic is perception". I wonder, if what you witness is not reality, but your perception of reality, do you trust your perceptions as truth? Does that make the so-called scientist a religious magician?  --John Andrews Competitive Webmaster and SEO Blogging at

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