[nycphp-talk] zencart help list

Hans Zaunere lists at
Thu Sep 15 21:04:48 EDT 2005

Cedric Fontaine wrote on Thursday, September 15, 2005 4:30 PM:
> Hello,
> I have a problem with zencart not redirecting from
> main_page=checkout_process to main_page=checkout_success
> I get a blank page on checkout_process and I don't know why.
> cache/ dir is empty
> no mod_gzip activated
> And I try to find the problem and it seems that Header("Location...)
> is not sent or not interpreted...

Not specific to Zen Cart, but just double check that there's no output
before the header() call.  Any output - even a new line - will of course
cause header() to fail.


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