[nycphp-talk] PDF mailing labels in PHP 5

David Mintz dmintz at
Fri Sep 9 17:11:46 EDT 2005

I want to generate standard Avery #5160 mailing labels with data from a
MySQL db. I have done this using Perl modules but I want to use PHP (can't
seem get Perl DBD:mysql installed and communicating with MySQL 4.1)

So I tried running the example that comes with the label-making subclass
of class.ezpdf.php found at and the
resulting output file is somehow corrupt, but I haven't succeeded in
debugging the problem any better than that. I am running PHP 5.0.4. I
thought, gee let's try it on a PHP 4 server. Bingo.

Question is, to anyone who's familiar with this class, is this a PHP 5
compatibility problem, or is the fact that I was lucky on one box but not
the other just luck?

Or:  does anyone know of another good solution for making labels? I
suppose possible solutions are: install PHP 4 to run in cgi mode and use
this code as is, or fix it to run under PHP 5.

David Mintz

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