[nycphp-talk] Apache look back functionality and PHP

inforequest 1j0lkq002 at
Sat Aug 6 15:42:07 EDT 2005

Mark Withington |nyphp dev/internal group 
use| wrote:

>It appears that my problem stems from the Apache version that I'm running
>(version 1.3.XX) - acceptpathinfo directive (e.g. look back) is only
>supported in Apache 2.0.30 and above.  I thought I read somewhere that look
>back had always been supported in Apache, but it appears that was just
>wishful thinking.  If I'm mistaken, please feel free to correct me.
>Mark L. Withington
>v: 508-746-2383
>m: 508-801-0181
Okay I took a look at Acceptpathnfo docs for v2 and I think I know what 
you mean. See the section of "default settings" because it reminds us 
that the default Apache HANDLER doesn't accept trailing string info on 
the resource name, but most SCRIPT handlers do (by default). Thus to use 
the default handler and get that railing info, you need this 
AcceptPathInfo stuff.

Since I use a FILES directive to set a php handler for my root scripts, 
the trailing info is present without that (i.e. in 1.3x).

-=john andrews

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