[nycphp-talk] Business development site, join as my guest

William E. Fisher wefisher at
Fri Sep 10 17:04:01 EDT 2004

Hello everyone:

I have been using this list as a resource as I put together a membership organization web site.  Thanks for the assistance.  The discussions really came in handy on a number of ocassions as I tried to "get my mind right."

I'm a business guy and not much of a programmer, so I'm a bit reluctant to call it to the attention of the skilled artisans on this list. On the other hand, the subject matter of the organization may be of interest to you.

The site is for ATIDO: The Alliance of Technology and International Development Organizations.  The mission of ATIDO is to facilitate business development and partnering for tech companies as they expand beyond their local markets and across borders.  If you are looking for business across the country or overseas, ATIDO was conceived to help you find it.  And to help it find you.

ATIDO will launch slowly between now and the end of the year.  The membership is made up of companies rather than of individuals, but if any members of this list wish to register their companies they may do so by using the PROMOTION CODE: NYP0104 .  Simply go to the site and click the "join" link.  Or, if you have one, ask your director of business development to register.

Of course, I also welcome comments, criticism and suggestions.  I'm interested in thoughts about the business proposition as well as of the rather basic use of PHP.



William E. Fisher

Open World Interactive
274 Madison Avenue, Suite 1406
New York, NY 10016 USA

T. +1-212-683-9200 ext. 203
wefisher at
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