[nycphp-talk] [OT] Flash MX<->LAMP<->XML

Brian Pang bpang at
Wed Sep 1 23:19:19 EDT 2004

> ... yea, I guess I would be a Flash hat wearing user. (Maybe
> BPang can vouch for me on this one...)

yep, he's good.

> And, to relate it to the PHP topic... I've used it a lot, a
> heck of a lot, with PHP as a backend. You don't even need XML.
> Just FMX and LAMP. (developed by 2 NYPHP
> list members) is all FMX and LAMP.

This was done with Flash constructing gets or posts to a php page which
would return urlencoded name=value pairs. Easy.
Gets a little tricky when dealing with dynamic lists, but easily solved
by also sending along a count of the list length ala

For whatever reason Flash couldn't figure that out on it's own. I don't
"do" Flash, so I couldn't tell you why. I did it once back in the days
of Flash4 and I am scared to go there again, although I hear it's better

You could probably do a lot more complex stuff with XML, but you don't
have to. It could all be put into a string.

What's important is that you (as the php person) have a Flash person who
understands and respects dealing with dynamic data and not just some
creative monkey drawing tweens.

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