[nycphp-talk] NEW PHundamentals Question - HTTP Authentication

Jeff Siegel - PHundamentals jeff.siegel at
Fri Oct 22 13:22:58 EDT 2004

For the next PHundamentals article, we are exploring best practices in
the use of headers. Previously we examined the issue of headers and
forced file downloads. The issue we would now like to focus on deals
with HTTP Authentication.

PHundamentals Question No. 2:
How are headers used when implementing HTTP Authentication? What are the
security issues? When is it a good time (and bad time) to use HTTP
Authentication? Are there any differences when PHP is running as an
Apache Module or as a CGI? Are there any differences when running on
*nix servers or Windows servers? Our aim, as always, is to arrive at
"best practices" so please be specific as to how your solution is the
optimal solution.

Jeff Siegel
Proj. Mgr. - PHundamentals

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