[nycphp-talk] [OT] Calling All Shell Scripters!

Hans Zaunere hans at
Fri Oct 8 14:52:12 EDT 2004

> > Oh for god's sake lighten up, Dan. Or set an [OT] filter.
> This is a pretty unfair response.

Let's not go down this road again folks... I'm going to kill this thread
right here and now.

If people feel changes are needed in what's acceptable to post and
what's not, please subscribe to the NYPHP-Org list
( and we'll discuss there.

If anyone isn't sure of our posting policies in the past, check the list
archives or subscribe to the NYPHP-Org list and ask.  At the end of the
day, our policy has been "if it's a well formed technical question, it's
ok."  If that's not a good policy, we've been asking for someone to
write one.

Hans Zaunere
New York PHP

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