[nycphp-talk] PEAR::DB and Oracle insert error

Chris Hubbard chubbard at
Mon Mar 29 18:34:53 EST 2004

Well, it turns out if you have semi colon at the end of your sql then 
you get the ORA-00911 error. 
INSERT INTO TABLENAME ("field", "field") VALUES ('one', 'two');
will result in an error, PEAR::DB returns "unknown error".

INSERT INTO TABLENAME ("field", "field") VALUES ('one', 'two')
will work just fine.

Please note that the Oracle error: ORA-00911 doesn't say anything about 
semicolons.  Which is another reason why Oracle is better than MySQL.

Somebody shoot me now.


Daniel Convissor wrote:

>Hi Chris:
>On Mon, Mar 29, 2004 at 09:28:27AM -0800, Chris Hubbard wrote:
>>[nativecode=ORA-00911: invalid character] 
>  ORA-00911 invalid character
>          Cause: Special characters are valid only in certain places. If
>          special characters other than $, _, and # are used in a name and
>          the name is not enclosed in double quotation marks ("), this
>          message will be issued. One exception to this rule is for database
>          names; in this case, double quotes are stripped out and ignored.
>          Action: Remove the invalid character from the statement or enclose
>          the object name in double quotation marks.
>Maybe, try getting rid of the quote marks around the field names.  I'd
>also advise not using quoted identifiers in general, they cause more
>headaches than they solve.

Chris Hubbard
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