[nycphp-talk] Object Methods and Properties

Dan Cech dcech at
Wed Jul 28 00:16:58 EDT 2004

Phillip Powell wrote:
> Joe Crawford wrote:
>> Phill,
>> thanks that worked just as expected...
>> Now anyone know of a way to make sure $part is actually one of the class
>> variables?

> if (in_array($part, get_class_vars(get_class($this)))) { // DO STUFF }
> Assuming you have instantiated a MyClass object prior to this line

Actually you would be better off with:

function setPart($part = NULL, $val = NULL, $append = FALSE) {
   if (isset($part) && isset($val) && @isset($this->{'_'.$part})) {
     if ($append) {
       $this->{'_'.$part} .= $val;
     } else {
       $this->{'_'.$part} = $val;
     return TRUE;
   return FALSE;

There is no need to go through the added overhead of calling 
get_class_vars and get_class, unless you want to disallow setting any 
vars not defined in the class definition.

Using the @isset(..) method you could define an addPart and delPart 
function if required, which you can not do with Phil's solution.


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