[nycphp-talk] A call for all PHP'ers, the site needs your help.

Joel De Gan joel at
Fri Jul 16 10:56:05 EDT 2004

Hello there,
Yesterday I sent a msg to the php-gtk-general mailing list (which I am
on) about the state of the PHP-GTK site and the fact that their wiki got
slammed with spam and difficulties in actually using the php-gtk site.

Here is the thread:

There is a call for people with web skills to help work on
and help with documentation and get the search functions working.

My original posting is here:

If you have written any php-gtk apps we could use your help in tutorials
and they are looking for more people to document, write apps etc..

I invite you *all* to join the 'general' mailing list, more info here:
In addition on in #php-gtk

A lot of this push is because of the release of PHP5 and a lot of
renewed interest in PHP-GTK. Part of the problems is that the php-gtk
documentation is not currently well and a lot of people have not put up
tutorials and apps on the site. They are trying to pull
everything back to have a central site of information for writing
php-gtk apps.

If you are not familiar with php-gtk, you can do some pretty cool stuff
with it, I have a tutorial here:
and another here:
There are a lot of apps out, but the documentation has been an issue in
bringing in new programmers.

I was also asked to do a presentation at the new meeting on php-gtk in
september based on my first php-gtk tutorial, though I don't know the
status of that as I may be in Ireland for an RDF conference.


joeldg - developer, Intercosmos media group.

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