[nycphp-talk] PHP Scales, Our Chris Shiflett gets /.'d

John Lacey jlacey at
Wed Jul 14 14:02:49 EDT 2004

Hans Zaunere wrote:

>Probably the primordial example of scaling is Google.  6000+ servers,
>none of which (that I'm aware) are much more than nearly throw away i386
>boxes.  And what language does most of it run?  Basic, old school, C
>(although some Python/PHP is coming in house I hear).  This is a perfect
>case where good architecture and design is what scaling is all about.
>Or maybe their cost of scaling is measured in PhD's?
I don't recall if this was mentioned but the comment about "PhD's" is 
one that is often left out of technical discussions on scaling and 
scalability -- and that is the people cost.  To count the cost of 
scaling an app or set of apps, the people cost can be significant, which 
is why the systems management issue is critical.  Several years ago when 
I was teaching the network 'capstone' course, Network Analysis & Design, 
I would remind people both verbally and in role-playing that some of the 
technical aspects of the job are easy, it's the people problems that are 
gonna bite them in the ass :)


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