[nycphp-talk] PHP Scales, Our Chris Shiflett gets /.'d

George Schlossnagle george at
Wed Jul 14 01:21:45 EDT 2004

On Jul 14, 2004, at 12:13 AM, Chris Shiflett wrote:
>> It's like saying that my car can do 400 mph, it just needs the right
>> engine.
> I don't really get that analogy, but I understand your argument anyway.

The analogy was supposed to mean that it's meaningless to say that PHP 
is intrinsically horizontally scalable when necessary components of the 
majority of applications aren't intrinsically horizontally scalable.  
PHP isn't the application (neither is Java).  The discussion should 
really be about 'applications written in 
(Java|PHP|Python|Lisp|OCaml|foo)' which is what I think most people are 
talking about when they talk about the scalability of language X.

Or at least that's what they should be talking about. :)


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