[nycphp-talk] open_basedir is driving me batty

Marc Antony Vose suzerain at
Tue Jul 6 03:48:21 EDT 2004


The error message tells you both the path of the file which it thinks 
is out of range, and the allowed paths.  I re-quote here:


is the file i am looking for


You will notice that the value being passed is certainly within the 
allowed path.  The file in question doesn't exist, but call me crazy, 
I thought the whole point of "file_exists()" was to tell you if the 
file exists or not.

(Sorry, not venting my acrimony at anyone here, just at this 
seemingly idiotic open_basedir implementation.) this just a side effect of open_basedir?  It renders the 
file_exists() function useless?

(To John:  yes, this server is using the horrible, awful Plesk tool, 
which is also causing me stress.  I want to avoid editing the 
httpd.include file, because each time you make a minor change to your 
domain, Plesk conveniently overwrites your changes for you, so error 
messages appear all over your site until you make the changes again. 
I'm trying to find a solution that won't fall prey to this 


>Hey there:
>I'm getting this error when doing a file_exists check to see if a file exists:
>Warning: file_exists(): open_basedir restriction in effect. 
>is not within the allowed path(s): 
>(/home/httpd/vhosts/ in 
>on line 127
>I get the error when the file is not present, even though the passed 
>path is within open_basedir's limitations.
>Is there any way I can route around this brain-dead open_basedir 
>bug, other than prefixing my file_exists() call with a '@'?
>Marc Antony Vose
>The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in 
>higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently.
>-- Nietzsche
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