[nycphp-talk] [Fwd: [nylug-talk] Disturbing news]

Jeff Siegel jsiegel1 at
Thu Jan 22 21:24:10 EST 2004

"virtual-desktop support"...that's sorely needed in Windows.


Mitch Pirtle wrote:

> bpang at wrote:
>> As I'm sure I've expressed before, I've been using linux as my primary
>> desktop for a couple of years and would say I'm 95% satisfied with it.
>> It's true that the "Office" functions are somewhat lacking and/or
>> problematic, so I do keep a W2k machine here that I connect to with VNC
>> (no extra monitors).
>> One of the stranger problems I end up having is that Mozilla works better
>> than IE, so when I'm doing "tricky" front-end stuff, I have to
>> modify/rewrite code to support the ailing browser.
> I've been using linux exclusively on the desktop for at least 5 or 6 
> years, and I've even forced my wife and children to accompany me on this 
> bizarre journey.  For the most part, problems have been minimal (friends 
> emailing jokes in Powerpoint(?!), lousy printer drivers, total lack of 
> email virus infections).  I even got Internet Explorer running via Wine, 
> so prototyping front-ends was not an issue and I got to experience the 
> joy and wonder of a completely crippled application.
> The thing that forced me to install a 'doze partition was Macromedia. As 
> I got more and more involved in the front-end of application design, the 
> more I needed to know how to create Flash and Director animation. So I 
> do have to boot into XP, and hate it the entire time I am there - my 
> cheapo AC'97 audio stinks up the house in Windows, but the ALSA driver 
> sounds wonderful - but for the most part XP has pretty much caught up to 
> Linux.  As soon as I can get decent virtual-desktop support, I will be 
> happy.
> (evil grin)
> -- Mitch
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