[nycphp-talk] MAC development environment

felix zaslavskiy felix at
Sun Feb 22 14:59:15 EST 2004

> I am a web designer/developer working on PC mainly but lately I have
> gotten a lot of client requests for MAC platform testing and
> compatibility issues. Therefore - I am getting a powerbook even though
> I have very vague idea about how development environment on the MAC
> is... the last time I worked on a Mac was probably 5 years ago! Can
> anyone give me some advise on how to set up a development environment
> on the Mac and what I should get in terms of hardware/software to do
> that? I intend to get a powerbook G4 and network with my PC laptop
> which I do development of PHP/CF/ASP sites currently.

If your Intel laptop remains your dev environment why do you need a dev
environment on MAC. Just install IE for mac, Safari and test to see how
your web pages look on them. 

> Thanks in advance!
> Kate Wei
> From: Mitch Pirtle <mitchy at>
> Reply-To: NYPHP Talk <talk at>
> To: talk at
> Subject: [nycphp-talk] Re: [nycphp-dev] LDAP Authentication Against 
> Microshaft's Active Directory
> Date: Mon, 23 Feb 2004 19:01:39 -0500
> Michael Southwell wrote:
> >This inquiry should be directed to the NYPHP-talk discussion list.
> >
> >At 05:05 PM 2/23/2004, you wrote:
> >
> >>Have any of you attempted to authenticate a user against AD using
> >LDAP? I >am
> >>developing an application for a school district that will allow
> >teachers >and
> >>students to use their existing usernames and passwords. However, we
> >have a>user table in MySQL to authenticate parents.
> My answer to this is, well, yes and no ;^)
> I've done it with Zope/Plone, but never from PHP.  The one thing that
> I remember is that there are two ports that an AD server listen to for
> LDAP, the 'official' one and the other for something like 'data
> services' or somesuch.  It is this second port that your PHP apps will
> have to bind to, as the 'official' port mangles all transmissions to
> an almost unusable state.
> HTH,
> Mitch
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