[nycphp-talk] Wiki anti-spam CAPTCHA patch: $_SESSION conflict

Jayesh Sheth jayeshsh at
Fri Apr 30 10:57:37 EDT 2004

Hello all,

After seeing thousands of Wikis (including mine) being defaced by the 
new Chinese SPAM-bots, I wrote an experimental patch in an attempt to 
thwart them.

Info on the patch is at:
The patch can be downloaded from:

I am using PHP's sessions to store the text version of an Ascii Art Code 
that is displayed to users when they try to edit a Wiki page.

The problem is that PHP's sessions are also being used by the PEAR Auth 
class for my CMS. So, if I go to the Wiki, try to edit a page, and then 
come back and try to log into my CMS, I get weird session errors (blah 
blah already sent, etc).

I can work around this by emptying my cookies while I switch between 
Wiki edits and CMS edits, but there's got to be a better way.

Is there any way of preventing such $_SESSION conflicts?

Thanks in advance,

- Jay

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