[nycphp-talk] studlyCaps ...

Adam Maccabee Trachtenberg adam at
Wed Apr 28 15:55:38 EDT 2004

On Wed, 28 Apr 2004, Mark Armendariz wrote:

> I would personally like to see it standardized throughout the entire
> language.  I have no preference to either, personally, but I definitely
> think consistency is important in any language (spoken, written, or coded).

We're not renaming all the function to remove underscores. Period.

However, PEAR uses studlyCaps for its objects. For that (and a
gazillion other reasons), it was decided to keep functions as-in, but
implement studlyCaps for OO methods only.

If an extension has a dual interface: procedural and OO, then the
functions use underscores and the methods use studlyCaps.

Hopefully, MySQLI will also adopt the studlyCaps API for it's OO
interface and then everything will be consistent. However, the
developer really doesn't want to do that, so we'll see what happens.


adam at
author of o'reilly's php cookbook
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