[nycphp-talk] book shopping (was PEAR: HTML_QuickForm)

Derek DeVries derek at
Sat Apr 17 02:50:24 EDT 2004

This is a link I use often as reference for design patterns. The examples
are in C# but are commented well and translate to PHP quite easily. A good
learning method is to just rewrite the patterns in php.

Derek DeVries

> > OK, my "Essential PHP Tools" is in my cart now, too, and I thought I'd
> > pick up "Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software"
> > (Gamma ,et al) while I was at it. That is The One, is it not? See, truth
> > is I don't know a Visitor from a Decorator, but I'd like to do something
> > about it. Visitors drink your beer, I know that much.
> Visitors drink your beer and Decorators drink your Kir?
> David
> ... White wine? Guinness? There's got to be some hard-drinking interior
> decorators out there...
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