[nycphp-talk] handling forms (relative newbie)

Aaron Fischer agfische at
Tue Sep 30 15:44:58 EDT 2003

Hi all,

I am encountering a situation somewhat similar to the one that Jeff was 
referring to in his post titled "Repost post vars".  Basically, I am 
using php to enforce required fields on a form, load a page that allows 
the user to confirm information is accurate (if not, reload the form 
page), and finally once all is OK, process the variables by inserting 
the data into mysql, sending an email confirmation to the user and 
loading a confirmation page.

Where I am running into problems is preserving post variables across 
the various page loads.  I saw the following solutions offered to Jeff, 
and I am wondering, as a relative newbie, which one folks would 
recommend me cutting my teeth on or are there other options that might 
be even simpler/better?

Possible solutions:
	Perform manual POST using PHP
	Use PEAR's http request class
	Use cURL
	Store $_POST as a session variable
	Use class

Thanks for any suggestions,


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