[nycphp-talk] NYPHP List Reorganization?

jessica kelly jkelly at
Thu Sep 25 15:52:25 EDT 2003

I'd have to agree with Dan. 

On an occasion or two, I have asked a question that I maybe should of asked elsewhere. Even though they are all AMP related it usually involves Windows as I don't have the luxury of a Linux box where I work nor will the bossman let me convert the server over to Linux. I always Google the question and RTFM first before I ask, but a lot of times I ask because I don't understand TFM. 

I have a treasure trove of saved emails that I have gleaned from this list and refer to them as needed or save for future reference. I would really hate to see the "Elite" disappear from this list. This would cause me to try to join the elite list to continue to glean info but be too afraid to ask a question for fear of a "What the *$%# are you doing on this list" response. In the end my effort to employ PHP when possible where I work would suffer. 

To keep this list going I would recommend:

1) Keeping posts on topic. 
2) Subject lines should reflect what the question is about.
3) Let people know when their abusing the list. Kindly at first more aggressively if the problem persists.
4) Read other responses to a question before you answer it as the question is probably already answered. I see quite a bit of this on this list. 
5) Be nice when possible. The so called Linux elitist attitude is a turn off to those who would like to delve further into Linux, self included. 
6) Resist the temptation to throw in your two cents for the sake of throwing in your two cents, it's annoying. 

My two cents for keeping the list as is,

Jessica Kelly

>>> danielc at 9/25/03 3:07:01 PM >>>

On Thu, Sep 25, 2003 at 08:26:49AM -0400, Hans Zaunere wrote:

> grown to be a high-traffic and vibrant channel of communication.

The volume on this list doesn't seem so high to me.

> However, it may be beginning to outgrow it's usefulness for some,

How so?  If you're talking about the quality of some of the questions 
posted, that would then wind up being the problem on any new list -- 
unless of course said list has a restricted membership.

Considering the turn of events yesterday with Mr. Powell, it seems the 
community can police itself.

> So, I'm 
> throwing out the notion that it's time for another list, dedicated to the 
> strict technical discussion of PHP/AMP Technology, and other closely 
> related topics.

That's what this list already is.



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