[nycphp-talk] Today's Meeting. Templates

Chris Snyder csnyder at
Wed Sep 24 07:52:07 EDT 2003

Nasir Zubair wrote:

>The thing that bothered me was
>that both Daniel and Chris sort of implied that the "designers" are fairly
>dumb creatures, who only know HTML, or XHTML, and are completely oblivious
>to the whole realm of scripting. 
On the contrary-- designers (and especially the integrators in Hans' 
world) are generally brilliant. It takes a logical mind to program in 
PHP, but it takes an artist to be able to craft an attractive website 
that is actually usable by non-technical people in a wide array of 
browsers. Had I been a little more on target, I would have implied that 
it is important to find a system that maximizes everyone's strengths. 
Even on a project where you are the sole author, it's helpful to be in a 
place where your tasks are delineated.

That's exactly why some kind of templating scheme, whether it's 
disciplined PHP, Smarty, PHPLib, ZPT (I'm gonna check that out, thanks 
Andrew), or something you built from scratch, is important, and worth 
the processing overhead it imposes. Though maybe not worth 3x 
overhead... ;-)

I learned a lot last night, thank you everyone!


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