[nycphp-talk] Sneaking in unwanted characters

Hans Zaunere hans at
Wed Sep 10 20:33:10 EDT 2003

Adam Maccabee Trachtenberg wrote:

> On Wed, 10 Sep 2003, Chris Shiflett wrote:
>>Most of the RFCs either have example regular expressions or a very specific
>>grammar that can be used to build one. I've seen that one in the back of the
>>O'Reilly book, and my instinct tells me it shouldn't have to be that
>>complicated. :-)
> The full valid e-mail spec is really nasty, cause you can have
> comments inside the address and other weird things. Here is the regex
> from PHP Cookbook that allows most real-world addresses, but not
> everything that's okay:

Yes; with RFC2822 they really managed to add a lot of unneeded complexity.  Ahhh, acadamentia.

Some functions in there may help as well.


> /
>     ^               # anchor at the beginning
>     [^@\s]+         # name is all characters except @ and whitespace
>     @               # the @ divides name and domain
>     (
>         [-a-z0-9]+  # (sub)domains are letters, numbers, and hyphens
>         \.          # separated by a period
>     )+              # and we can have one or more of them
>     (
>         [a-z]{2}    # TLDs can be a two-letter alphabetical country
>     code
>         |com|net    # or one of 
>         |edu|org    # many 
>         |gov|mil    # possible
>         |int|biz    # three-letter
>         |pro        # combinations
>         |info|arpa  # or even
>         |aero|coop  # a few 
>         |name       # four-letter ones
>         |museum     # plus one that's six-letters long!
>     )
>     $               # anchor at the end
> /ix                 # and everything is case-insensitive
> Alternatively, check out imap_rfc822_parse_adrlist().
> -adam

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