[nycphp-talk] PHP growth

Tim Gales tgales at
Mon Sep 8 12:37:08 EDT 2003

  Thought this might be of interest:

Posted August 30, 2003 01:42 PM @

Although PHP is universally thought of as implying Linux, Apache and MySQL,
nearly 7% of PHP sites [when counting by ip address] run on Windows. This
has doubled over the last year, and on its current growth trajectory PHP
will overtake (my emphasis) Cold Fusion as the most popular non-Microsoft
scripting language used on Windows during the next year.

Web site developers are less dogmatic than many analysts like to portray,
and are prepared to mix development paradigms when it suits their purpose.
.. Scripting languages are seeing the best growth of any class of web
technologies presently as site owners seek to make their sites more
sophisticated and see a good return on the development time invested.

Excerpted from:



Tim G.


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