[nycphp-talk] How do I create a future date for a cookie?

Brian Pang bpang at
Fri Sep 5 10:41:18 EDT 2003

what's so kludgey about this, Phil?

I'm actually curious why you want it set soooo far into the future?

I usually only set it for 3 months on the long end.

It's highly unlikely that your site will still exist in its current form
in 100 years from now, let alone 2 or 3. Of course, you can always be
optimistic. :)

I don't know of any date limitations since I never look ahead that far
(cookies, life, coding, etc), so I would go by tbe guidance of others
regarding the 2038 date.

> This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
> well this is what I came up with, it's a kluge but it's the best I can
think of:
> setcookie('myCookie', $val, time() + (86400 * 36500)); // SET TO 100
> Phil
>   ----- Original Message ----- 
>   From: Phil Powell 
>   To: NYPHP Talk 
>   Sent: Thursday, September 04, 2003 2:22 PM
>   Subject: [nycphp-talk] How do I create a future date for a cookie?
>   I'm using setcookie() that I want to set "permanently" (set it to
like 100 years from now), but looking up both date() and mktime()
honestly made no sense to me as to how to do it.
>   So, um, how do I do it?
>   Thanx
>   Phil
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