[nycphp-talk] embedding one web page in another

Brian Pang bpang at
Thu Jul 10 10:33:25 EDT 2003

I'm not sure if it's such a newbie question as it's not something I've
ever tried. Anyone else? How about you, Hans? You seem to have been
through a lot. :)

Wouldn't you be creating an insecure page by attempting to embed an SSL
page into a non-SSL page (assuming url_test04.php is in a non-secure

Are you certain that you compiled php with OpenSSL?

> Total newbie question. I'm trying to create a web page that will
include a 
> complete secure page from page from a site where I am an affiliate. My 
> goal, eventually, is to put this secure page in a table on one of my
> As the first step, I've learned to embed using Yahoo as an example. But 
> when I change the URL from Yahoo to the secure page, I'm getting error 
> messages.
> The example below (url_test04.php) substitutes XXXs for the affilaite ID 
> code but in reality I'm using the right code and it opens normally in my 
> browser.
> here's what works:
> <html>
> <head>
> </head>
> <body>
> <?php
> $theurl='';
>   if (!($fp = fopen($theurl, 'r'))) { echo 'Could not open URL'; exit; } 
> $contents = fread($fp, 1000000);
> echo $contents;
> ?>
> </body>
> </html>
> But when I change to:
> $theurl=' XXXXXXXXXX' ;
> I get the following errors:
> Warning: Unable to access 
> in 
> /home/virtual/site1/fst/var/www/html/url_test04.php on line 13
> Warning: 
> fopen("", 
> "r") - No such file or directory in 
> /home/virtual/site1/fst/var/www/html/url_test04.php on line 13
> Could not open URL
> Suggestions greatly appreciated regarding what I'm overlooking.

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