Problem with xml_parse_into_struct

Phil Powell soazine at
Thu Jan 30 01:54:49 EST 2003

I have various XML files that might contain <> tags inside the element body, for example:

<news id="1" shortDescription="Stuff Happened Today">Today on <b>1/29/03</b>, stuff happened</news>

Because of this I can't use xml_parse_into_struct; when I do this happens:

array (
  [attributes] => array (
                                   [ID] = "1"
                                   [SHORTDESCRIPTION] = "Stuff Happened Today"
 [values]  = "Today on"

and it stops right there on the <b> tag.

What I need to do is this: Clean out ALL occurrences of <tags> that are NOT part of the original XML structure from the contents read from the XML file:

$fileID = fopen('/phil/xml/news.xml', 'r') or die('Could not open XML');
$stuff = fread($fileID, filesize('/phil/xml/news.xml'));

$stuff contains the contents of news.xml, so I would have to do my cleanup in $stuff, BUT.. I can't use preg_replace for tags because then ALL of my tags would be altered and xml_parse_into_struct would fail altogether.

How then do I make sure to ONLY remove the <trash tags> from each XML row body and nowhere else???

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