[nycphp-talk] PHP 5 install questions ...

Daniel Convissor danielc at
Tue Dec 23 15:45:42 EST 2003

Hi Jon:

On Tue, Dec 23, 2003 at 03:07:29AM -0500, jon baer wrote:
> it seems to be working smoothly although i have one small install question
> ... there is no more built in mysql anymore so i enabled php_mysql.dll but
> what/or how do you enable libmysql.dll?  is it needed or is it for mysqli
> stuff (mysql > 4.1)

MySQL is in the windows builds.  Just go into php.ini and remove the ";" 
in front of "extension=php_mysql.dll"

> i had really been hoping there would be an easier way to run php4/5 side by
> side

Tell me about it.  I've heard this will be fixed.

> one thing i noticed is that my apache logs got completely filled up w/ php
> notices on exceptions (i normally handle error handling page by page, but
> not normally on an included definition page - so i end up w/something like:
> PHP Notice:  Use of undefined constant FOO - assumed 'FOO') - normal?

Guess your error reporting settings (either in the scripts or in php.ini) 
are different.

Anyway, notices are good to know about.  You really should address them.  
So, set error reporting to E_ALL.


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