[nycphp-talk] file uploads

John Lacey jlacey at
Mon Dec 15 00:45:49 EST 2003

Brian Pang wrote:

> I think for starters you would need to change the php.ini settings
> post_max_size = 250M

since the encoding type is set to multipart form data,

I don't think you have to worry about the post_max_size...

someone else step in here if I'm off base on this..

> upload_max_filesize = 250M
> max_execution_time = 600
>  or however many seconds you think it would take to upload 250M
> file_uploads = 1 (of course)
> still, I'm not sure how you would get around
> memory_limit
> It would seem wrong to set this to 250M
> or is an uploaded file not restricted by this paramater?

it gets written to a tmp file


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