[nycphp-talk] File Uploads

Jeff Siegel jsiegel1 at
Sun Dec 14 22:17:24 EST 2003

I was going to suggest Filezilla.

Jeff Siegel

John Lacey wrote:

> Daniel Convissor wrote:
>> Hi:
>> On Sun, Dec 14, 2003 at 03:16:27AM -0500, Donald J. Organ IV wrote:
>>> What would be the best way using PHP to accept file uploads of around 
>>> 250MB
>> On a web server connected to a person trying to do the upload that has 
>> a T3.
>> --Dan "not the greatest joke" Convissor
> well, I wuz gonna suggest the postal service, but I figgurd I'd get 
> stomped.. stamped?
> John :)
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