[nycphp-talk] security? we don't need no stinkin security!

David Mintz dmintz at
Tue Dec 2 14:58:57 EST 2003

On Tue, 2 Dec 2003, John Lacey wrote:
> Chris Shiflett wrote:
> >
> > Yeah, someone really needs to write a forum in PHP that doesn't suck.
> > While they're at it, a CMS that doesn't suck would be nice, too. It's a
> > shame that there are Perl applications that fit these needs but no decent
> > PHP representation.
> >
> and speaking of that, BB's CMS's and the like have very
> well-defined things that they "need to do"... wouldn't it be
> nice if well-designed secure components (pcom?) were
> available that one could go to the 'lego box' and pull out
> what you need to put it together...

That's why, after a fair amount of poking around, I've decided to go with
Moveable Type ( as my blogware with which to join
this latest craze in narcissism and self-indulgence. I found it
encouraging to read that it requires a whole slew of well-exercised,
mature CPAN modules. To me that means the developers are not reinventing
the proverbial wheel and compromising security, reliability, etc., in the

(Oh yeah, I also used a little ad hominem non-reasoning: that Jeremy
Zawodny dude, who seems to know a lot of stuff judging from his writings,
really likes PHP, yet he uses MT.)

David Mintz
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